Why use microgreens?
Naked Carrot microgreens have distinctive, delicious flavours
Microgreens bring a wow factor to any dish
Cannot be fresher as they are living herbs and used as needed
Enables more creativity in the kitchen
Up to 40 times more nutritious
Fresh for up to two weeks
Little bursts of life!!!

The Naked Carrot Difference
Naked carrot microgreens are grown in their own special soil without the use of chemicals.
Extensive soil research for over two years resulted in the correct balance of nutrients to create extra bursts of flavour and vitality in each microgreen.
Naked Carrot products have been awarded many gold medals as a testament to the their fine taste and quality.
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Article by Jennifer Warner, Masters of Political Science and freelance health journalist.
Microgreens Pack Nutritional Punch
They may be tiny, but a new study shows trendy microgreens punch well above their weight when it comes to nutrition.
Researchers found microgreens like red cabbage, corianda, and radish contain up to 40 times higher levels of vital nutrients than their mature counterparts.
Although nutritional claims about microgreens abound on the Internet, this study is the first scientific evaluation of their nutritional content. Researchers say they were astonished by the results.

Vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin E levels were highest among red cabbage, amaranth, and green daikon radish microgreens.
Corianda microgreens were richest in terms of lutein and beta-carotene.
“All of these nutrients are extremely important for skin, eyes, and fighting cancer and have all sorts of benefits associated with them,” says researcher Gene Lester, PhD, of the USDA.
“The microgreens were four- to 40-fold more concentrated with nutrients than their mature counterparts,” says researcher Qin Wang, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland in College Park. “When we first got the results we had to rush to double and triple check them.”

Researchers evaluated levels of four groups of vital nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and beta-carotene, in 25 different commercially grown microgreens.
The results are published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012.
Lester said he was surprised to find microgreens were superior in nutritional value than the mature plants.
For example, red cabbage microgreens had 40 times more vitamin E and six times more vitamin C than mature red cabbage. Corianda microgreens had three times more beta-carotene than mature corianda.
You can generally say that an ounce of broccoli microgreens has more nutritional value than a pound of broccoli. In addition – there are NO chemicals, no fertilizers. All of the growing power comes from seed + light + water + air. It’s just pure vegetable!
Retail Customers
We welcome your business. The following specialty grocers stock our products. Particular products seen on this website can be ordered through them:
Hill St Grocers - 70 Arthur St, West Hobart, Tel 03 6234 6849
Salad Bowl - 362 Macquarie St, South Hobart, Tel 03 6223 7728
Eumarrah, Organic Wholefoods and Natural Food - 39 Barrack St, Hobart, 03 6234 3229. Email: naturalfood@eumarrah.com.au
Harvest Feast, organic market stall, Salamanca Market, Hobart (every Saturday)