Radishini is our name for radish. It is a fun way of saying that the microgreen is a type of mini version of radish.
Radishini is crunchy, crisp and peppery and tastes like radish.
It goes well with pork, fish, tofu, eggs and fetta.
Radishini is rich in various nutrients that include potassium, calcium, vitamin C. It contains vitamins like thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folate, and vitamin B6, A and K. It also provides iron magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Radishes are very good for the liver and stomach, as they purify the blood and eliminate toxins and waste.
Naked Carrot microherbs are grown in their own nutritionally balanced soil without the use of chemicals for even more goodness.

Ancient Greeks and Romans wrote about them and when the Americas were rediscovered, radish was one of the earliest vegetables to be brought over from the Europe. It is also a fact that laborers who built pyramids in the ancient Egypt were paid in onions, garlic and – radishes.

Retail Customers
We welcome your business. The following specialty grocers stock our products. Particular products seen on this website can be ordered through them:
Hill Street Grocers - 70 Arthur St, West Hobart, Tel (03) 6234 6849​
Email: westhobart@hillstreet.com
Salad Bowl - 362 Macquarie St, South Hobart, Tel 03) 6223 7728​
Email: southhobart@hillstreet.com
Eumarrah, Organic Wholefoods & Natural Food - 39 Barrack St, Hobart, (03) 6234 3229. Email: naturalfood@eumarrah.com.au
Harvest Feast, Organic Market Stall, Salamanca Market, Hobart (every Saturday)
Wholesale Customers
We welcome your business. To purchase direct please